SPECIAL NOTE: The next monthly meeting is Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 6:30 at the Church of the Nazarene in Hawks Hall.



Welcome to the West Chester Photo Club Website!

If you are interested in improving your photography skills or are a novice who wants to be involved in the wonderful world of photography, please join us at our next meeting.

Mission Statement

WCPC mission: Encourage growth of artistic and technical photographic capability by pursuing our art through friendship, collaboration and community involvement.


We meet at The Church of the Nazarene, 7951 Tylersville Road (back/south entrance), West Chester, Ohio 45069. A general meeting is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, 6:30-8:30PM. A separate education session is held on the 3rd Monday at 7:00PM. We're looking forward to seeing you there!


Click on the various public menu items in the bar above for an overview of our website.

Be sure to enjoy our member Photo Galleries!


For information on joining our club as well as the benefits of our members, click information.



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Member Organization

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